Monday 18 July 2016


Most times we leave our houses looking and feeling all fly only to go through half of the day looking like a mess. Looking good, decent and clean is something every female should strive to do and it isn't rocket science.

In other to maintaiin your self confidence both inside and out throughout the day, I have made a list of 8 things you as a girl must carry in your handbag.

1. TOILET ROLL/HANDKERCHIEF/BABY WIPES: These all play similar roles but it is important you carry at least two of the mentioned items above. They are useful after a meal or a quick visit to the convenience.

2. HANDCREAM: Your hands need to be moisturized regularly in order for them to be in good shape. They are also useful after a visit to the convenience.

3. PERFUME: The importance of perfume in your handbag cannot be over emphasized. When you notice a contradicting odour after visiting certain places or your perfume wears off, you can simply spray a little on.

4. PADS/TAMPONS: Evey girl must carry a pad or tampon in her bag whether or not you are on your period. Some ladies have had to learn this the hard way, Trust me! You can never be too sure when it comes to your monthly flow especially if you go through alot if stress. Personally, I carry two just in case someone else might be in need.

5. MIRROR: You need this to check your teeth, nose, lips and basically your entire face regularly to avoid any embarassing situations.

6. MINI MAKE-UP SET: This includes your powdermlipstick, lipgloss etc. You don't have to bring your whole make-up box, just the essentials.

7. BREATH FRESHNER: To avoid awkward close up conversations, always carry a mint/gum; a bad breath is a major turn-off so your breath must always be fresh. This however, is not an excuse to chew gum unnecessarily or nosily, that is also a turn off!

8. EXTRA PAIR OF SHOES: Yes Please! what happens if your heels start hurting or your shoe or sandal gets bad on the road? you throw in your comfy pair of shoes! prefarably black so it can go with whatever you are wearing.

Your house/car keys and debit cards are also important and not subject to gender.

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